Vi vill stolt presentera en ny återförsäljare av knokk. Kamari i Stockholm säljer från och med denn 7/12/09 våra klockor. Och för alla er som saknat återförsäljare i Hufvudstaden kan känna er lugna=)
Hi, I'm Norwegian, but I write this in English, because I am not good i Sweedish .. I was wondering if I can order a watch from without having to pick it up in sweden? can The clock come to me in Norway? Hoping for an answer as soon as possible! You can answer me on my blog: or on my e-mail: :- )
Knokk erbjuder kläder och accessoarer på streetslackers vis. Vi vill göra "uplifting apparel" d.v.s plagg & accessoarer som lyfter din stil. Detta kombinerat med avslappnad syn på livet gör dig som knokker till en ganska trevlig prick
Läs mer om knokk på följande:
-Knokk, Uplifting Apparel
Hi, I'm Norwegian, but I write this in English, because I am not good i Sweedish .. I was wondering if I can order a watch from without having to pick it up in sweden? can The clock come to me in Norway? Hoping for an answer as soon as possible! You can answer me on my blog: or on my e-mail: :- )
SvaraRaderaYes you can buy a knokk watch and we deliver it to norway to. Just go in to our website and register yourself there and have a happy christmas..